Reporting on mOther Earth program
International program to revive rural areas by mobilizing local youth and contributing to a green, digital and resilient recovery of their economy. It is officially registered by the United Nations as the SDG Acceleration Action #SDGAction46967.
Between 2021 and 2023, our experts have been conducting fieldwork in rural areas of Europe and Latin America. Through collaborations with regional governments, local NGOs and MSMEs, they have gathered the insights that can contribute to the EU Rural Vision 2040. The results of this extensive research have been submitted to the European Parliament and the United Nations to aid policy-making to contribute to rural development. We are deeply grateful to our experts, collaborators, and volunteers who made this initiative possible.
Research and Proposals
Reviving Rural Europe: A Sustainable Vision for 2040 and Beyond
In an era marked by hypergrowth, a pressing need arises to address the challenges of overcrowded cities and underdeveloped rural territories within the European Union. This article advocates for rural revitalization through principles of immersion, inclusive collaboration, and the integration of stakeholders. Real-life case studies demonstrate how innovative solutions can be implemented, fostering sustainable living, community engagement, and holistic farming practices. The article invites readers to consider the potential of rural alternatives and a shift towards a more balanced and equitable future. Press here to read the article
Rebuilding the Social Fabric of Rural Villages in Spain
Strategic plan for the government of Galicia, Spain, a sustainable ecosystem of "villages of the future" to address the demographic crisis of the region. Portfolio of 26 projects in three phases: a network of Living Labs, prototypes of sustainably-integrated business models, and public-private partnerships aimed at setting the social and economic conditions for a gradual repopulation in less than a decade. Press here to learn more
Initial Concept Note
mOther Earth is an international program to revive rural areas by mobilizing local youth and contributing to a green, digital and resilient recovery of their economy. It is officially recognized and published by the United Nations as the SDG Acceleration Action #SDGAction46967. One of the phases of the program was rolled out in rural Spain as Villages of the Future - Las Aldeas del Futuro. Press here to read more in English.
Leer mas del programa en Español aqui.
Familias Emprendedoras
Propuesta para fomentar el espíritu emprendedor en la comunidades rurales y menos privilegiadas, mediante la formación técnica para la identificación de oportunidades y el desarrollo de unidades productivas; que les permita a las familias la generación de ingresos y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de sus integrantes. El líder de esta iniciativa es el Dr. Lucimio Jiménez Paternina, Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, CECAR, Colombia. Press here to read more
Laboratorio de Innovación Ciudadana en Colombia
Citizen-driven, social innovation laboratory to address institutional gaps in the justice system of the country. AlterContacts delivered the high-level design of the lab, the systemic plan for public engagement, and the project plan, to the Procuraduría General de la Nación de Colombia. Press here to read the project proposal
High-Level Meetings
Presenting mOther Earth to the European Commission
On Oct 28, 2022, the AlterContacts delegation met with the Head of Youth and Volunteer Solidarity Unit of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission - Mr Ioannis MALEKOS. The meeting took place at the European Parliament in Brussels during the LevelUP event.
Presenting mOther Earth to the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU
On Oct 29, 2022, the AlterContacts delegation met with the Counselor on Labor, Migration, and Social Security of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union - Maria José Tarrero Martos. The meeting took place at the European Parliament in Brussels during the LevelUP event.
Discussing Las Aldeas del Futuro with the Ministry of Spain
On Sep 15, 2022, the AlterContacts delegation met with Director General de Políticas Palanca para el cumplimiento de la Agenda 2030, Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda of Spain, Gabriel Castañares Hernández. The meeting took place virtually.
Building collaboration with the Government of Galicia
On October14, 2022, the Think Tank AlterContacts delegation met with the Deputy Director of International Promotion and Intelligent Rural Development, the Rural Development Agency of Galicia (AGADER). The meeting took place at the office of Axencia Galega de Desenvolvemento Rural in Santiago de Compostela.
Presenting mOther Earth to the Vigo Free Trade Consortium
On October 7, 2022, the Think Tank AlterContacts delegation met with the representatives of Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo. The meeting took place in Vigo, Spain.
Policy Recommendations
Implementation of SDGs and Agenda 2030 in the EU
Think Tank AlterContacts has taken part in the online consultation on the EU Voluntary Review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the European Economic and Social Committee. Press here to read our written submission
Partnership Forum 2023 Consultation
Think Tank AlterContacts has taken part in the Global Online Stakeholder Consultation of the United Nations 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum. During the forum, all contributions will be shared with countries, the UN system, international organizations, local governments, NGOs, MSMEs, civil society, scientists, academia, women, youth, and other stakeholders. Press here to read our written submission
Field Research
Fieldwork in Silleda, Spain
In October 2022, our co-founder carried out fieldwork in the village of Silleda, Galicia. We are very grateful to the wonderful people of Galicia for their hospitality, good spirit, and sharing their love for the region. Here we introduce local organizations and businesses. Press here to read the results of the fieldwork
Fieldwork in Aldeas Modelo, Spain
In October 2022, Think Tank AlterContacts conducted fieldwork in five villages that are part of the program Aldeas Modelo. The objective of the fieldwork was to collect data supporting a set of project proposals to recreate the socio-economic fabric of the rural areas of Galicia. Press here to find the results of the fieldwork
Community dialogue starts with the youngest
We asked 260 children between 3 and 12 years old how they see the future of their village. All the children are students of the public primary and nursery school CEIP Plurilingüe de Silleda located in a region of Spain - Galicia. The event was part of the United Nations registered initiative - mOther Earth. Press here to read the report on the event
Sustainable Corporate Villages
On November 16, at the 7th Future Workplaces Summit by Luxatia International, the co-founders of Think Tank AlterContacts hosted a workshop to explore how Sustainable Corporate Villages can become the Workplace of the Future. Together with 35 participants and an open dialogue, they explored the path to realizing this part of the mOther Earth program. Press here to read the reports from the events
Circular Kilometer
The Circular Kilometer, an initiative led by Prof. Pedro Fernandez Carrasco of the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and founder of the Bio Ocean Solutions Hub, aims to create a sustainable and prosperous community based on renewable energy, water management, waste reduction, and recycling principles of circular economy and entrepreneurial innovation, within one square kilometer of land. Press here to learn more about the project
ReHarvested Plus
The project is aimed at developing a practical, sustainable circular model to fill the gap between food waste and malnutrition, saving food from going into landfill and making it available for those who need it most. It is curated by Jackline Awino Ochiel, a researcher from the Leaders of Africa Institute in Kenya. Press here to learn more about the project
EU Break Fellowship Program 2022
The co-founder of Think Tank AlterContacts, Julia Skupchenko, has been selected to participate in The Break 2022 Fellowship Programme with the project "mOther Earth" to revive rural Spain. During the fellowship in October 2022, we carried the fieldwork in the village of Silleda in the region of Galicia, including open interviews with local youth, sustainable entrepreneurs, civil society organizations, and an event at the primary school of Silleda involving 360 children.
EU Startup Village Pledge
We pledge to support the creation of opportunities for social and economic development for rural communities. By integrating sustainable methods and innovative approaches with rich natural resources and the cultural heritage of rural areas, we aim to create self-sufficient communities driven by youth and female entrepreneurs. We will bring together local people, businesses, authorities, NGOs, schools, researchers, start-ups, and investors to co-create an alternative, green, sustainable and prosperous future for the rural areas and their present and future residents.
Media About
dor La Voz de Galicia, 08 oct 2022
dor Treintayseis, 29 sep 2022
dor Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, 27 sep 2022
dor La Voz de Galicia, 14 aug 2022
dor Faro de Vigo, 14 aug 2022